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ChroLithix Corporation sells natural and created objects of art
made of materials from the earth and even outer space. We
offer unique and unusual mineral specimens, meteorites for all
levels of collectors, quality fossils and fine jewelry for all tastes.
While visiting, please take a look at our museum
galleries. We hope that you'll share our enthusiasm for the
variety of natural materials created in the earth and beyond.
They are literally the bedrock on which our modern way of
life is built.
We have for sale or over the years have sold mineral specimens of:
esperite, margarosanite, clinohedrite, hardystonite, roeblingite, hancockite, manganaxinite, willemite, franklinite,
zincite, grossular, diopside, vesuvianite, cyprine, gold, quartz, rhodonite, barite, hemimorphite, datolite, hendricksite,
andradite, leucophoenicite, tephroite, friedelite, fluoborite, barysilite, nasonite, kentrolite, schallerite, pectolite,
prehnite, calcite, clinochlore, demantoid, opal, spinel, copper, silver, zircon, chondrodite, agate
We have for sale or over the years have sold mineral specimens from:
Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada; Black Lake mine, Thetford, Quebec, Canada; Franklin, NJ, USA;
Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, NJ, USA; Upper New Street quarry, Paterson, NJ, USA; Lower New Street quarry,
Paterson, NJ, USA; Prospect Park quarry, Paterson, NJ, USA; Belvidere Mountain quarry ('Eden Mills'),
Lowell, Vermont, USA; Amity, New York, USA; Warwick, New York, USA; Sixteen to One mine, Alleghany,
California, USA; Baluchistan, Pakistan; St Marcel, Val D'Aosta, Italy; Val D'Ala, Italy; Val Pellice, Italy;
Mt Argentea, Italy; Sferlun, Val Malenco, Italy; Virgin Valley, Nevada, USA; Telluride, Colorado, USA;
Cobalt, Ontario, Canada; Gilgit, Pakistan; Ladjuar Madan, Kokcha Valley,Afghanistan
Prices do NOT include sales tax if applicable (NJ residents)
Privacy Policy - All customer information is confidential and is not shared with or sold to anyone for any purpose.
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